Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is That A Saw In Your Pocket....

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3990-Is-That-A-Saw-In-Your-Pocket.....html

Best Champion Expert Sport shops

�yvind Nissen

�yvind Nissen hits LA, Barcelona, and Oslo in this recent video part.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/zuQoJ2m2Z_U/yvind-nissen.html

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

2011 K2 Snowboards now available

I’m writing this post in July in the middle of some sweltering heat and it feels plain wrong! But, having said that, when your life revolves around snowboards and snowboarding it’s good to see the newest of the new snowboarding gear regardless. We just saw this week that

Source: http://snowboardaction.net/2011-k2-snowboards/

Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session great trip

Crypt Lake, Waterton Lakes National Park

You’ll find Crypt Lake on page 113 of Don’t Waste Your Time in the Canadian Rockies, the Opinionated Hiking Guide. It’s Trip 22. You’ll also find it on the agenda of every visitor to Waterton Lakes National Park who has any interest in hiking. It’s by far the most popular trip in the park, and [...]

Source: http://www.hikingcamping.com/blog/2010/09/crypt-lake-waterton-lakes-national-park/

Jump Magazine first jump dropzone

Paul Robinson Checks Sends Big Paw (V15)

Paul recently sent “Big Paw” V15 in Chironico, Switzerland. �This was the fourth ascent of the line (1st – Dave Graham, 2nd – Dai Koyomada 3rd – Adam Ondra).�Congratulations to PRob on his latest! Big Paw is a large prow … Continue reading

Source: http://www.prana.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/30/paul-robinson-checks-in-on-big-paw-v15/

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

Nick Immediato Welcome Video

Stay Stacking has Nick Immediato's Stimulus welcome video.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/CBk2XHTH7SI/nick-immediato-welcome-video.html

Skilled Best Champion Expert

Is That A Saw In Your Pocket....

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3990-Is-That-A-Saw-In-Your-Pocket.....html

first jump dropzone Skilled Best

Extreme Photography, It's Totally Extreme

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3993-Extreme-Photography,-Its-Totally-Extreme.html

Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session great trip

Scuba Diver Girls Trip Report: Beqa Lagoon Resort

Back at the airport on Kadavu, we awaited our flight that would take us closer to our final destination, Beqa Island which would be the setting for our next adventure. Once again Occhi was nervously awaiting the plane knowing she would soon be sitting in the 8 seater flying over the ocean again. When we [...]

Source: http://scubadivergirls.com/blog/?p=6864

high-performance white water clear water repairs

Oskar Material

It's half slams and half makes in the trailer for Oskar Material.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/y_ClhifLywY/oskar-material.html

first jump dropzone Skilled Best

Burton Snowboards

www.burton.com var uri = 'http://track.webgains.com/link.html?wgadid=104495&js=1&clickref=SA'; document.write('');

Source: http://snowboardaction.net/burton-snowboards/

womens snowboards ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts

A Moment in Time

As I sit here at my desk preparing for a few days out of the office, thoughts of what I'm thankful for begin to flow into my head. "What does it mean to give thanks?" I ask myself. Is it a selfless, tangible deed that must be performed in order to merit appreciation? Is it [...]

Source: http://whitewaterraftingblog.oars.com/post/a-moment-in-time

Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session great trip

Nick Immediato Welcome Video

Stay Stacking has Nick Immediato's Stimulus welcome video.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/CBk2XHTH7SI/nick-immediato-welcome-video.html

great trip trip home skating waves

Get off the Computer, get on the Trail

The constant stream of information we get through mobile and hand-held devices is changing the way we think. This�New York Times article explains how the use of digital technology is altering our brains, and how retreating into nature can reverse the effects: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129384107

Source: http://www.hikingcamping.com/blog/2010/08/get-off-the-computer-get-on-the-trail/

Best Champion Expert Sport shops

HOG (Highly Optimized Gear) dive regulator review

Regulator Review: �HOG (Highly Optimized Gear) D1 Coldwater 1st with Adjustable 2nd In 2007, a new line of equipment was introduced to the SCUBA world. Known as HOG along with its recreational sibling, Edge, this line was designed to give the tech diver and the recreational diver another choice in the world of scuba equipment, [...]

Source: http://www.dailyscubadiving.com/hog-highly-optimized-gear-dive-regulator-review/

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

O?Neill Evolution set for Davos, Switzerland in 2011

From January 2nd until the 8th expect to be mesmerised as some of the best snowboarding talent in the world pushes the limits and take to the skies from the halfpipe and slopestyle sitting at the base of the Jakobshorn, in Davos, Switzerland.

Source: http://snowboardaction.net/oneill-evolution-set-for-davos-switzerland-in-2011/

horseback riding womens snowboards ski area indoor slope

Wanderlust: Shiva Rea (video)

Source: http://www.prana.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/27/wanderlust-shiva-rea/

great trip trip home skating waves

17 July 2010

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/07/17-july-2010.html

repairs Pictures horseback riding womens snowboards

Devetashka Cave, Bulgaria

The Devetashka Cave is situated in the Lovech region and is located between the villages of Doirentsi and Devetaki in Bulgaria. It was discovered in 1921 and is one of the biggest caves in Europe. In 1996, the cave was … Continue reading

Source: http://www.prana.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/25/devetashka-cave-bulgaria/

womens snowboards ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts

Relative Work

Whoa, it’s been a while. I’m sorry for that! Life has been busy, to say the least. Things have picked up at work, and it’s unfortunate, but by the time I get home and do those things that need to get done, I can’t seem to find the time to write before I pass out [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/11/relative-work-2/

indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session

Sunny Sunday Morning

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/10/sunny-sunday-morning.html

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

GoBlog Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Biking Chewbacca Tshirts

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3994-GoBlog-Holiday-Gift-Guide-2010-Biking-Chewbacca-Tshirts.html

trip home skating waves sea

Boxed-Wine + Backpacking = Heaven

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3995-Boxed-Wine-+-Backpacking-Heaven.html

indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session

Butter Summer Clip

Butter makes perfect use of You Know How We Do It in their new Summer clip.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/Zp4Z-6mNmP0/butter-summer-clip.html

Best Champion Expert Sport shops

Mid North Coast NSW - January 2010

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/01/mid-north-coast-nsw-january-2010.html

horseback riding womens snowboards ski area indoor slope

Winter Travel Time

Winter is fast approaching here in Chicagoland, and it’s about time to start thinking about a winter trip. Last year, as some of you might recall, Rick and I made a trip down to the Everglades boogie in Clewiston, FL. This is where I encountered lots of skydiving milestones like my first cutaway, my 100th [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/10/winter-travel-time/

white water clear water repairs Pictures

Video: Rob, Sam and Darren Running the Wall on Tumwater Canyon

Early in July I got some footage of Rob McKibbin, Sam Grafton and Darren Albright running the Wall on Tumwater Canyon at 4900 cfs.� Darren is first, then Sam (notice the feisty hole ride he takes nearly halfway through) and then Rob, of course in his playboat. The funny part about this day is that [...]

Source: http://www.ireneskayakingblog.com/paddle-trips/video-rob-sam-and-darren-running-the-wall-on-tumwater-canyon/

Best Champion Expert Sport shops

Blender and Mountain Tees on Nike SB

Nike SB used a couple of my old as dirt skate photos of Neil Blender and Lance Mountainon some tees.Grant Brittain Nike

Source: http://theskateboardmag.com/blogs/j-grant-brittain/2010/11/27/blender-and-mountain-tees-on-nike-sb/

skating waves sea Jump

Ski/Snowshoe!?! What's Next - Ski/Rocket Pack?

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3997-SkiSnowshoe!!-Whats-Next-SkiRocket-Pack.html

clear water repairs Pictures horseback riding

GoBlog Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Biking Chewbacca Tshirts

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3994-GoBlog-Holiday-Gift-Guide-2010-Biking-Chewbacca-Tshirts.html

windsurfing session great trip trip home skating

Get off the Computer, get on the Trail

The constant stream of information we get through mobile and hand-held devices is changing the way we think. This�New York Times article explains how the use of digital technology is altering our brains, and how retreating into nature can reverse the effects: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129384107

Source: http://www.hikingcamping.com/blog/2010/08/get-off-the-computer-get-on-the-trail/

sea Jump Magazine first jump

Brooks Schuping Throwaway Part

theProgram Zine has a sick Brooks Schuping Throwaway Part. No direct link, so just find it and enjoy it.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/rZCz78Dkl_8/brooks-schuping-throwaway-part.html

Hall of Fame high-performance white water clear water

Sylt 2010

It�s my 5th time up here in Sylt. 2005, 2007 till 2010. This time we see a very calm Sylt. So far the wind never picked up above 20 knots and no big onshore waves crashed on the shore of Westerland. 6 days of the event are over and 4 days more are to go. [...]

Source: http://www.chrispressler.com/?p=1543

Magazine first jump dropzone Skilled

O?Neill Evolution set for Davos, Switzerland in 2011

From January 2nd until the 8th expect to be mesmerised as some of the best snowboarding talent in the world pushes the limits and take to the skies from the halfpipe and slopestyle sitting at the base of the Jakobshorn, in Davos, Switzerland.

Source: http://snowboardaction.net/oneill-evolution-set-for-davos-switzerland-in-2011/

our boats windsurfing session great trip trip home

Freedom to Roam

Freedom to Roam, a Denver-based coalition of businesses, government organizations and conservation groups, is helping ensure wildlife can adapt to, and ultimately survive, habitat fragmentation and climate changes. Every year, around the world, up and down North America, and from coast to coast across the United States, millions of animals are on the move.  They’re [...]

Source: http://whitewaterraftingblog.oars.com/post/freedom-to-roam

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

YogaSlackers: Advanced AcroYoga Workshop Flow (video)

Source: http://www.prana.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/27/7929/

indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session

What Makes a Great Garden

??Most people think a great garden is all about the plants. However, a garden is more than just a collection of plants; in fact, plants are not the first thing you should think about when trying to create a garden. … Continue reading

Source: http://www.prana.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/23/what-makes-a-great-garden/

Magazine first jump dropzone Skilled

I?d rather be skydiving ? relaxing edition

This weekend was the first official non-skydiving weekend of the year. At first I was looking forward to it, then come Saturday morning I have to admit I was a bit bummed. Sure, I got to lounge around and catch up on some much needed relaxation, and laundry, but I was really wishing I could [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/11/id-rather-be-skydiving-relaxing-edition/

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

Scuba Diver Girls First Taste of Fiji!

After a 10.5 hour flight from LAX on Air Pacific, we arrived at Nadi (pronounced Nandi) International Airport the morning of November 4th full of excitement and anticipation about our upcoming adventure in Fiji. Neither Occhi nor I had ever been in Fiji, but we have heard over and over how amazing the diving is. [...]

Source: http://scubadivergirls.com/blog/?p=6774

skating waves sea Jump

Kobi Graham - Incident at Cape Solander

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/05/kobi-graham-incident-at-cape-solander.html

Jump Magazine first jump dropzone

Chicks Rock 2010

Five days in Southern California, delayed flights coming home, early morning for catching up at the office….needless to say I’m a little drained today. But, that won’t stop me from giving a recap of the Chicks Rock boogie! Though I ask you to give me a little compassion on my writing skills as they aren’t [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/10/chicks-rock-2010/

first jump dropzone Skilled Best

Sticking With Paper

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3999-Sticking-With-Paper.html

windsurfing session great trip trip home skating

Hunter Slays Second Fattest Bear Ever, PA Town Saddened

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3998-Hunter-Slays-Second-Fattest-Bear-Ever,-PA-Town-Saddened.html

our boats windsurfing session great trip trip home

Chicks Rock 2010

Five days in Southern California, delayed flights coming home, early morning for catching up at the office….needless to say I’m a little drained today. But, that won’t stop me from giving a recap of the Chicks Rock boogie! Though I ask you to give me a little compassion on my writing skills as they aren’t [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/10/chicks-rock-2010/

first jump dropzone Skilled Best

Hoon, Crocket, Zero, Donovan, and DVS Videos

Hoon has a gnarly new eight minute promo video. There is actual skating in the latest Adventures With Chris: Gilbert Crocket episode. Zero demos at Palace 5ive. Donovan Strain's new deal, Murk Avenue, is up and running with episode one. DVS has a new Copenhagen Pro video.

Source: http://theskateboardmag.com/blogs/templeton-elliott/2010/11/30/hoon-crocket-zero-donovan-and-dvs-videos/

white water clear water repairs Pictures

Ski/Snowshoe!?! What's Next - Ski/Rocket Pack?

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3997-SkiSnowshoe!!-Whats-Next-SkiRocket-Pack.html

repairs Pictures horseback riding womens snowboards

Cyber Monday 50% OFF Sale!


Source: http://www.prana.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/29/cyber-monday-50-off-sale/

Magazine first jump dropzone Skilled

Freedom to Roam

Freedom to Roam, a Denver-based coalition of businesses, government organizations and conservation groups, is helping ensure wildlife can adapt to, and ultimately survive, habitat fragmentation and climate changes. Every year, around the world, up and down North America, and from coast to coast across the United States, millions of animals are on the move.  They’re [...]

Source: http://whitewaterraftingblog.oars.com/post/freedom-to-roam

our boats windsurfing session great trip trip home

Atlanta Hates Us Fall Montage

Somehow the Atlanta Hates Us guys are still finding new spot and making skating look fun. Check the latest montage to see what I mean.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/OjHBxxbuRrc/atlanta-hates-us-fall-montage.html

high-performance white water

California White Water Rafting Guide School

Drum roll please!� We just set the dates for our 2011 California white water rafting guide school so those of you who have a hankering for rafting 24/7 next summer, take note.� We’ll be welcoming students at our professional rafting guide school over the course of two sessions. Our spring session will be held April [...]

Source: http://blog.aorafting.com/california-white-water-rafting-guide-school/

horseback riding womens snowboards ski area indoor slope

Monday, November 29, 2010

Scuba diving jobs, scuba careers

What Did The Divers Ever Do For Us? There are millions of divers in the world, and most of them are sport divers, meaning they dive for fun. This is unsurprising because diving is one of the most thrilling and adventurous sports you can pursue. There are, however, a very large amount of divers who [...]

Source: http://www.dailyscubadiving.com/scuba-diving-jobs-scuba-careers/

Best Champion Expert Sport shops

Nothing says Thanksgiving like Neoprene.

Ahhhh Fall……………..the turning leaves, the calling geese, the old Halloween candy wrappers littering the office�and………the warm balmy days and weekend rafting trips?� Yes, it’s true.� Here we are in November and still the�rafters keep coming! Yes yes we may have to unroll a boat and dig some paddles out of the barn–and wake up a [...]

Source: http://blog.aorafting.com/nothing-says-thanksgiving-like-neoprene/

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

Freediving: Diving Au Naturel

What Is Freediving? Freediving is the act of diving down under the surface of water with no air source, ie holding you breath. Freediving is at once the logical evolution of snorkelling, the predecessor of scuba and its own separate entity. It?s not correct to see freediving as just another term for snorkelling because, as [...]

Source: http://www.dailyscubadiving.com/a-guide-to-freediving-diving-au-naturel/

clear water repairs Pictures horseback riding

Springtime Gold

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/11/springtime-gold.html

Skilled Best Champion Expert

Extreme Photography, It's Totally Extreme

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3993-Extreme-Photography,-Its-Totally-Extreme.html

white water clear water repairs Pictures

Mike Long Mag Minute

Relaxed and ripping, Mike Long's Mag Minute is up.

Source: http://theskateboardmag.com/blogs/shad-lambert/2010/11/29/mike-long-mag-minute/

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

Top Ten Places (For Patriotic Americans Not) To Visit

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3989-Top-Ten-Places-For-Patriotic-Americans-Not-To-Visit.html

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

The Aquatic View: A Discussion (With Bonus Review of Sherwood Scuba Rona Mask)

Masks: Windows Into Another (damp) World! Divers dive for different reasons, but ultimately everybody from the lay snorkeler through to the hardcore tec diver is in the water for one thing: to experience the aquatic environment. Some people want to explore the wrecks of great vessels from our past, whereas others enjoy looking at shallow [...]

Source: http://www.dailyscubadiving.com/the-aquatic-view-a-discussion-with-bonus-review-of-sherwood-scuba-rona-mask/

Jump Magazine first jump dropzone

I?d rather be skydiving: Segway Edition

For my regular readers, y’all are aware of the fact that I recently made a rather hefty life change and moved back to the Midwest (as I grew up a Michigander), to the city of Chicago. Though we’ve only been here two weeks, I can already tell you that I’m loving it! This past weekend [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/10/id-rather-be-skydiving-segway-edition/

skating waves sea Jump

Ride Snowboards


Source: http://snowboardaction.net/ride-snowboards/

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

Apple Pie and Whitewater Rafting??.

………………..the great American combo!� Ok, well maybe not.� But still not a bad idea.� And here in lovely El Dorado County, we can offer you award-winning versions of both! In the the same weekend, no less, how ya doin. The South Fork of the American continues to flow past the turning fall colors, and lucky [...]

Source: http://blog.aorafting.com/apple-pie-and-whitewater-rafting/

Skilled Best Champion Expert

Getting Outside With Fido

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3988-Getting-Outside-With-Fido.html

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

Transition Time

Apparently I’m back on this title alliteration thing…I probably like it less than you. I’ll work on it. Anyhow, life has been busy lately since Work Stinks! There are a lot of things in the works and lots of exciting new changes coming up quick. All things that have kept me busy enough and poor [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/09/transition-time/

indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session

Freedom to Roam

Freedom to Roam, a Denver-based coalition of businesses, government organizations and conservation groups, is helping ensure wildlife can adapt to, and ultimately survive, habitat fragmentation and climate changes. Every year, around the world, up and down North America, and from coast to coast across the United States, millions of animals are on the move.  They’re [...]

Source: http://whitewaterraftingblog.oars.com/post/freedom-to-roam

Champion Expert Sport shops Hall of Fame

Blender and Mountain Tees on Nike SB

Nike SB used a couple of my old as dirt skate photos of Neil Blender and Lance Mountainon some tees.Grant Brittain Nike

Source: http://theskateboardmag.com/blogs/j-grant-brittain/2010/11/27/blender-and-mountain-tees-on-nike-sb/

sea Jump Magazine first jump

Atlanta Hates Us Fall Montage

Somehow the Atlanta Hates Us guys are still finding new spot and making skating look fun. Check the latest montage to see what I mean.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/OjHBxxbuRrc/atlanta-hates-us-fall-montage.html

Skilled Best Champion Expert

Safe Diving Practices

When we think of Safe Diving Practices what comes to mind? Diving with a buddy at all times? Not going beyond your training and experience? Not diving in conditions that could be hazardous? Certainly these are some very good ones, but as we will see in this article safe diving practices start before we even [...]

Source: http://www.dailyscubadiving.com/safe-diving-practices/

Best Champion Expert Sport shops

Severne NCX tested

When I am out for a freeride session I actually use the Severne NCX or the NCX pro in 8,0. It�s a sail, which feels extremely light, but gives you enough power, when the wind drops and a lot of control, when the wind picks up. You should have a try! Chris

Source: http://www.chrispressler.com/?p=1468

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

Westbeach 2011 Line Preview

Westbeach just publicly announced a preview movie of their 2011 line (which looks awesome). Check out this movie by Vancouver’s Graham Winterbottom and Caleb Beyers. View the movie at www.westbeach.com/2011

Source: http://snowboardaction.net/westbeach-2011-line-preview/

great trip trip home skating waves

Sunday 2 May 2010

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/05/sunday-2-may-2010.html

clear water repairs Pictures horseback riding

Butter Summer Clip

Butter makes perfect use of You Know How We Do It in their new Summer clip.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/Zp4Z-6mNmP0/butter-summer-clip.html

Expert Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance

Mid North Coast NSW - January 2010

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/01/mid-north-coast-nsw-january-2010.html

white water clear water repairs Pictures

Great conditions at Lake Neusiedl

While the last weeks the conditions had a lot of variety on my homespot, the lake Neusiedl. We got some days with strong wind from south eastern direction and I could get some good speed on my GPS. So I am in the 2010 ranking on top. Check out the following link! It�s really hard [...]

Source: http://www.chrispressler.com/?p=1565

Magazine first jump dropzone Skilled

Get Your (Burton) Stash On

Source: http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/3987-Get-Your-Burton-Stash-On.html

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

Halloween at the Dropzone

Let’s see here: skydivers love to hang out after a day in the sky drinking it up on the ground – any reason for a party is a good one, right? And of course, what better reason that Halloween? This is one day of the year where it’s totally acceptable to dress up in a [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/11/halloween-at-the-dropzone/

Champion Expert Sport shops Hall of Fame

Suffolk Park Final Designs

After some process drama, the two new Suffolk skatepark designs are here from Spohn Ranch. Suffolk was working with a small budget and wanted two parks. Originally one was going to be a bowl, but budget and site constraints kept that from happening. Personally I am stoked on these parks. No fences, no monitors or passes. No giant vert walls. Just fun stuff to skate. I'd like to see other cities building more smaller parks instead of one giant park. What do you guys think?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/SVePWlXrIU0/suffolk-park-final-designs.html

Magazine first jump dropzone Skilled

Severne NCX tested

When I am out for a freeride session I actually use the Severne NCX or the NCX pro in 8,0. It�s a sail, which feels extremely light, but gives you enough power, when the wind drops and a lot of control, when the wind picks up. You should have a try! Chris

Source: http://www.chrispressler.com/?p=1468

ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats

A wet and bleak Sunday 8 February 2010

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/02/wet-and-bleak-sunday-8-february-2010.html

first jump dropzone Skilled Best

Halloween at the Dropzone

Let’s see here: skydivers love to hang out after a day in the sky drinking it up on the ground – any reason for a party is a good one, right? And of course, what better reason that Halloween? This is one day of the year where it’s totally acceptable to dress up in a [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/11/halloween-at-the-dropzone/

great trip trip home

Cyber Monday 50% OFF Sale!


Source: http://www.prana.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/29/cyber-monday-50-off-sale/

our boats windsurfing session great trip trip home

Nick Immediato Welcome Video

Stay Stacking has Nick Immediato's Stimulus welcome video.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/CBk2XHTH7SI/nick-immediato-welcome-video.html

windsurfing session great trip trip home skating

Ride Snowboards


Source: http://snowboardaction.net/ride-snowboards/

skating waves sea Jump

Kingpin Expand: Michael Juras

MPORA has a quick clip of Michael Juras, one of my favorites out of Europe right now. Maybe Tony Hawk will put him on Birdhouse. Found at MPORA among other skateboarding videos.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/oR-0sW6m-zk/kingpin-expand-michael-juras.html

Outdoor enthusiasts our boats windsurfing session great trip

Chromatic 5.1

A little bit of everything in this Euro montage called Chromatic 5.1.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/S1IJHAB7lvY/chromatic-51.html

our boats windsurfing session great trip trip home


My good internet friend Jurgen K went to Europe with some bros and came back with this montage.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/nmQBUwrJuJE/euretarded.html

clear water repairs Pictures horseback riding

Robotron Summer Tour Video

The two part Robotron Summer Tour Video is a nice HD jaunt through Europe with mostly obscure spots just like how I like it. Part One Part Two.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/mcZs0m2kWL4/robotron-summer-tour-video.html

Jump Magazine first jump dropzone

Inside Issue 82

The Photo Annual just might be our most anticipated issue all year. Packed full of big beautiful stills with minimal text. What could be better? Here is a tiny preview of what's inside issue 82. You're going to have to get to a skateshop and buy your own copy to see the rest for yourself.

Source: http://theskateboardmag.com/blogs/austin-mayer/2010/11/24/inside-issue-82/

ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats

See a Whole New Side of Maui with a Maui Snorkeling Cruise

No matter how beautiful the tropical scenery of Maui might be, the view below the water is as breathtaking as the view on dry land. One of the best ways to experience the underwater world of the Hawaiian tropics in on-board a Maui snorkeling cruise. There are many options available for a snorkel cruise in [...]

Source: http://www.prideofmaui.com/blog/snorkeling-maui/see-a-whole-new-side-of-maui-with-a-maui-snorkeling-cruise.html

clear water repairs Pictures horseback riding

A cold but rewarding start to the day... Saturday 17 July 2010

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/07/cold-but-rewarding-start-to-day.html

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

Video: Dan Patrinellis? Whitewater Kayaking Pin on Icicle Creek

Dan Patrinellis was wearing a helmet camera when he got pinned on a low-water run of Icicle Creek about a week ago.� Here’s his video – it took a while for him to get the throw bag, and he said the hairy moment came when he pulled his spray skirt and the boat went deeper [...]

Source: http://www.ireneskayakingblog.com/paddle-trips/video-whitewater-kayak-pin-on-icicle-creek/

womens snowboards ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts

I?d rather be skydiving ? relaxing edition

This weekend was the first official non-skydiving weekend of the year. At first I was looking forward to it, then come Saturday morning I have to admit I was a bit bummed. Sure, I got to lounge around and catch up on some much needed relaxation, and laundry, but I was really wishing I could [...]

Source: http://skydivechick.com/2010/11/id-rather-be-skydiving-relaxing-edition/

windsurfing session great trip trip home skating

A trip to the home country - April 2010

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/04/trip-to-home-country-april-2010.html

ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats

Sunny Sunday Morning

Source: http://nedsurfshots.blogspot.com/2010/10/sunny-sunday-morning.html

Sport shops Hall of Fame high-performance white water

Butter Summer Clip

Butter makes perfect use of You Know How We Do It in their new Summer clip.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/Zp4Z-6mNmP0/butter-summer-clip.html

ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts our boats

Where to summit NOW in Banff National Park: Cirque Peak

You’re a hiker with a little scrambling experience seeking to bag an easy summit in Banff National Park? Point your boots at Helen Lake, then continue on the non-technical ridge route to 2993-m Cirque Peak. Conditions are now perfect. The culminating panorama includes a spectacular view southwest�to Bow Glacier Falls, the lake beneath Bow Glacier, [...]

Source: http://www.hikingcamping.com/blog/2010/08/where-to-summit-now-in-banff-national-park-cirque-peak/

dropzone Skilled Best Champion

Kyle Billups Part

Kyle Billups flings his board down some shit in this part for Blooka.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/ymmfKfjXbtc/kyle-billups-part.html

sea Jump Magazine first jump

Scuba Diver Girls First Taste of Fiji!

After a 10.5 hour flight from LAX on Air Pacific, we arrived at Nadi (pronounced Nandi) International Airport the morning of November 4th full of excitement and anticipation about our upcoming adventure in Fiji. Neither Occhi nor I had ever been in Fiji, but we have heard over and over how amazing the diving is. [...]

Source: http://scubadivergirls.com/blog/?p=6774

Hall of Fame high-performance white water clear water

Kyle Billups Part

Kyle Billups flings his board down some shit in this part for Blooka.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MostlySkateboarding/~3/ymmfKfjXbtc/kyle-billups-part.html

womens snowboards ski area indoor slope Outdoor enthusiasts